I found myself running for my life and convincing myself that the small bush on the corner of the house would somehow make me invisible to the handful of 3rd graders that were determined to destroy me... Ah, youth ministry. How often we romanticize the thought. What was I thinking challenging a band of over-energetic 3rd graders to a 'Me vs All of You' airsoft war after school?
First of all, these guys are rockin' fully automatic rifles and shotguns. What do I get? Two pistols. Not really too bad except that I had to put the gun in my armpit after every shot to try to cock it so I could shoot again but my hoodie material was too slick and it usually ended in me just abandoning on of my pistols on the ground in discussed and running away in retreat with my remaining gun in hand. I probably would have done better with just one gun to start with. It got to the point that I was so tired of running circles around the house that I would fake being out of ammo just so I could go to the reload station and sit and catch my breath. I really felt old. Yes it was depressing but also motivating. I added another goal to my list: Beat 3rd graders at a game of airsoft. Challenge Accepted.
This semester with K-Life has been a lot of fun. One of the highlights of my week is lunch on Fridays with the 3rd grade guys at Metro. The stories of the week through the eyes of a 9 year old are too much fun. At K-Life, the time we hang out with (or 'endure' depending on the week) our 3rd-5th grade kids is called Super K. And honestly, I really love it. It keeps me young.
We have all kinds of stuff going on this month for 3rd-12th grade students, college kids, and families! Check out Tulsa K-Life to see how you can get involved in Fun, Faith, and Community.